4 Reasons to drop gossip right now

It’s a very well known fact, that gossip isn’t healthy. Not healthy for you and not healthy for others around you. Although, at times we all fall for it and before we know it, we are talking  about somebody “behind their back.”

Few days ago I sat in a Caffe. At the table next to me, they were two women talking about somebody they both knew. Not that I was listening to somebody else’s conversation, I couldn’t help overhearing this dialogue. I only tell you this much…the conversation wasn’t pretty. I immediately imagined, what if it was me, talking about somebody “behind their back” in front of my friend and somebody could hear it? How would that make me look and most importantly, how would I feel afterwards?

I am presenting you 4 Reasons to drop gossip right now and who knows, maybe for good!


What does it say about you, when you gossip about somebody who isn’t present? Your friends might be thinking: ” Well, maybe next time, he/she might be talking like this about me? Gossip simply destroys relationships, even the inseparable friendships. So be careful and next time you have an urgency to say something about somebody who isn’t there, pause for a moment, breathe and then make a decision, whether it is worth it.


Gossip lowers your energy levels. Every time you gossip, you start vibrating on a very low frequency and this isn’t healthy. Gossip attracts countless of unpleasant emotions which are totally unnecessary. Don’t do this to yourself and others.


Gossip makes you feel guilty. Most of us feel like that, maybe not straight away, as some of us maybe actually enjoying spreading negative vibrations and feel good about themselves when they do so, but sooner or later, the guilt knocks on the door and most of the people may start feeling very uneasy. Why? Because what you have just done, isn’t right. They are number of other ways to release unpleasant thoughts, such as meditation and forgiveness work. So avoid gossip and you’ll prevent guilt.


Jesus taught us to treat others like we want to be treated (Matthew 7:12) . All of us want to feel loved and happy. So if you want to keep it that way, drop gossip right now and for good. People will know they can rely on you and trust you 100% and that’s beautiful.

So next time, somebody start gossiping, think twice whether you are going to engage in this conversation and whether it is worth it. And if you feel like you can’t find a way out of the situation, simply try changing the subject. If that doesn’t help,just excuse yourself and walk away.

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